Alhaji Olayiwola Olafiranye Donates Pairs of Training Jerseys to Osun Babes FC

Olayiwola Olafiranye

In an extraordinary display of support for football development in Osun State, Alhaji Olayiwola Olafiranye, an esteemed member of the Nigeria Football Coaches Association, and the dedicated patron of Osun Babes Football Club, has once again demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the team.

Fulfilling promises made during his investiture as the patron, Alhaji Olayiwola Olafiranye presented the Osun Babes players with two pairs of training jerseys, aiming to boost their morale and enhance their training sessions. This thoughtful gesture is a testament to his dedication to promoting the team and uplifting football in the state.

Olafiranye’s support goes beyond the field, as evidenced by his recent act of generosity. He covered the registration and entire tuition expenses for eight grassroots coaches in the state, an investment running into millions of naira. This significant contribution highlights his profound commitment to football development and grassroots coaching in Osun State.

It is worth noting that Alhaji Olayiwola Olafiranye, who contested for the chairmanship position of the Osun State Football Association in the June 13, 2023 election, graciously stepped down in favor of Mr. Sola Fanawopo, the current chairman. His selfless actions continue to leave an indelible mark on the football landscape in Osun State, earning him a place in the annals of the state’s football history.