Tijani Jamal, How Alan FC Ejigbo Kid Sensation Is Defining Moments At SmartCity Osun State Football League

By Akanni Seyi

One of the reliable shot stoppers performing magic at the ongoing SmartCity Osun State Football League. Jamal, a 16 year-old Ejigbo born teenage goalkeeper is arguably winning points for Alan FC Ejigbo week in week out.

You would ask yourself if you have ever come across the next Ederson or Neuer with his composure and ability to command the defensive set up right from his habitat.

Alan FC Ejigbo

With 5 clean sheet at a bounce, it’s such a commanding performance, then why seeking holy grail when Jamal’s brilliancy in goal is simply preventing goals.

Over time, the requirements of the game have changed. We have coaches who want their goalkeepers to be excellent in distribution and others who want their goalkeepers to offer incredible sweeping abilities, Jamal has been constantly changing the narratives evolving from traditional goalkeeper to a complete one.

The meteoric rise of Alan FC on the table following a saggy start is linked to a young Jamal who excel in shot-stopping, distribution, and sweeping without clear weaknesses.

Technically gifted, he models his game after Ederson and he’s not always worry about aerial threats, definitely a one for the future and one of the true revelation of SmartCity Osun State Football League