Osun State Football Association Chairman Prioritizes Support for 448 Football Clubs

Osun State Football

In a commitment to elevate football in Osun State, Mr. Sola Fanawopo, the Chairman of the Osun State Football Association, has underscored his dedication to the 448 football clubs under his jurisdiction. During a recent telephone conversation with our correspondent, he laid out his vision and objectives for the flourishing football scene in the state.

Mr. Fanawopo made it unequivocally clear that his foremost priority is to empower and nurture the numerous football clubs across Osun State. He emphasized his dedication to safeguarding these teams, emphasizing that his role extends beyond any political affiliations.

“I am not involved in any football politics, and I’m not loyal to any party,” he asserted. “The same way I treat Osun United Football Club is the same way I will treat Hammola Football Club and all the other football clubs under my jurisdiction. I owe a duty to all 448 football clubs in Osun State.”

Regarding the current state of the stadium, Mr. Fanawopo acknowledged that certain improvements are needed before the commencement of the Nigerian National League. He described the current condition of the stadium as subpar and highlighted the importance of addressing these issues before the inspection team from Abuja arrives.

To address these concerns, Mr. Fanawopo said he spoke with the General Manager of the Sports Council, as the stadium falls under his purview. While he cannot directly present a proposal for stadium repairs to the government, Fanawopo said he was actively involved in advising the General Manager on necessary improvements. 

“It is the duty of the institution that has been set up for that,” Mr. Fanawopo noted regarding stadium repairs. “However, I can only advise the General Manager of the sports council on the things that need to be put in place before the commencement of the NNL.”

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Fanawopo also revealed to us that he accompanied the GM to present the proposal to the Deputy Governor, Prince Kola Adewusi.

Dispelling rumors, Fanawopo clarified that he was never asked to leave the Deputy Governor’s office during the presentation. He further noted that his recent meeting with the Deputy Governor was indeed productive, with approval granted for four out of five proposals presented.

While he expressed his dissatisfaction with the Deputy Governor’s decision to not prioritize stadium repairs, Mr. Fanawopo stressed that he respects the bureaucracy within the sports industry and sees it as necessary for proper procedures. “People see corrupt individuals there, but all I see is a bureaucracy,” he remarked.

Acknowledging the sports council as a vital institution, Mr. Fanawopo highlighted the need for collaboration and adherence to bureaucratic processes in addressing the stadium’s challenges.

When discussing the Osun State Football Association’s future, Mr. Fanawopo revealed ambitious plans to generate revenue independently. “We will make our own money,” he said. “It is just a matter of time.”

He expressed his commitment to elevating the association to national excellence and securing partnerships with international companies to support its endeavors.

“We are looking at making the Osun State Football Association the best in the country,” he asserted. “We have signed some important international deals and are on the verge of signing a marketing agreement with an international organization. All my efforts are aimed at benefiting football in Osun State.”

Sola Fanawopo is the Chairman of the Osun State Football Association and a Champion of Community Development and Grassroots Sports.

Written by Isaac Sanyaolu (Futball Naija)
Blogger and football enthusiast with special interest in Osun State football.