Who Took Luis Diaz’s Father? A Heart-Wrenching Kidnapping Saga

On October 28, 2023, a heartbreaking incident shook the world of football as Luis Manuel Díaz, the father of Liverpool FC’s winger, Luis Díaz, was abducted in their small hometown of Barrancas, Colombia.

This heinous act occurred when armed men on motorcycles targeted the Díaz family at a gas station. Luis’s mother was later found unharmed nearby, but his father’s whereabouts remained unknown.

The unfolding events paint a grim picture of the situation in Colombia, a country plagued by rising cases of kidnappings.

According to El Paiz (Spanish-language daily newspaper in Spain), the number of abductions in 2023 has more than doubled compared to the previous year, primarily driven by ransom demands. Colombia, as the world’s largest cocaine-producing nation, remains entangled with criminal groups and guerrilla armies involved in the international cocaine trade.

The search for Luis Diaz’s father has triggered a massive response from Colombian authorities, with hundreds of soldiers and police officers deployed to find him. The government is also offering a reward of nearly $50,000 for information leading to his safe return.

Luis Diaz, who recently joined Liverpool in the Premier League, has shown immense resilience and courage. Despite the heart-wrenching situation, he chose to play for Liverpool in a match against Luton Town FC on November 5, 2023. During extra time, he even managed to score a crucial goal for his team, demonstrating his unwavering commitment.

Who Took Luis Diaz's Father?
Luis Diaz paid tribute to his father after scoring Liverpool’s equalizer against Luton Town FC on November 5, 2023.

As a poignant tribute to his father, Luis Diaz revealed a powerful message after scoring. Underneath his jersey, he displayed an inscription that read, “Freedom for my father,” a touching reminder of the pain and hope that he carries in his heart.

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Who Took Luis Diaz’s Father?

Who Took Luis Diaz's Father?
The National Liberation Army (Spanish: Ejército de Liberación Nacional, ELN) is a Marxist–Leninist guerrilla insurgency group involved in the continuing Colombian conflict, which has existed in Colombia since 1964.

Just a few days ago, on November 2 to be precise, the leader of Colombia’s ELN guerilla group admitted their responsibility for the abduction of Liverpool footballer Luis Diaz’s father, acknowledging it as an unfortunate “mistake.” They pledged to commence the process for his release without delay.

However, despite these assurances, several days have passed without any communication with the Humanitarian Commission, which stands ready to receive Luis Manuel Díaz.

Regrettably, on the evening of Sunday, November 5, a few hours after the Liverpool vs. Luton game in which Luis Diaz had scored, the ELN group expressed their inability to secure his freedom.

They cited a heavily militarized area, ongoing military operations, helicopter landings, public announcements, reward offers, and an extensive search effort as factors preventing the safe and swift execution of the release plan for Mr. Luis Manuel Díaz. The situation presents risks, delays, and heightened complexities, putting the release in jeopardy as long as operations persist in the region.

A banner of showing the picture of Luis Manuel Díaz, the abducted father of Liverpool FC’s winger, Luis Díaz.

Amidst this distressing situation, Luis Diaz issued a heartfelt statement, emphasizing the urgency of his father’s release. He called upon the ELN, the group responsible for the abduction, to reconsider their actions and allow his family to be reunited with their beloved patriarch.

Below is Luis Díaz official statement;

“Here’s not the player speaking. Today’s Lucho Díaz, the son of Luís Manuel Díaz. Mane, my dad, hard working man, family pillar… he’s now kidnapped”.

“I ask ELN to release my father as soon as possible. I also ask the international associations to work on that in order to guarantee his freedom”.

“Every second, every minute we’re more worried. We’ve no words to describe our family’s terrible feelings, and it will be the same as long as he’s not back at home”.

“I beg you to release my father right now, respecting his integrity”. “I want to thank to all Colombians and also the international community for your support”.

Who Took Luis Diaz's Father?
“The best wish would be to have Grandpa back by our side.” Luis Diaz’s wife’s post to celebrate their daughter’s second birthday.

The world watches and waits, hoping for the safe return of Luis Diaz’s father. The situation serves as a stark reminder of the impact of violence on families and communities and the urgent need for resolution and reconciliation in conflict-afflicted regions.

As Luis Diaz continues to shine on the football field, his heart remains with his family, united in their shared desire for the safe return of their beloved father and husband. The world stands with them, offering support and solidarity during this challenging time.