Francisca Ordega: Sports journalist, Mohammed Saliu, Addresses Baseless Allegations Against the NFF

Francisca Ordega

Sports journalist, Mohammed Saliu (MoSaliu) Wrote

In response to the recent article alleging nepotism and favoritism in the NFF’s selection process for the Super Falcons’ Olympic team, I must express my dismay at the baseless and sensationalized nature of the claims.

Francisca Ordega

The article lacks substantive evidence and instead relies on unfounded allegations, revealing a clear bias against the NFF.

Firstly, the assertion that Francisca Ordega was “smuggled” into the team’s list is a significant overstatement. Ordega is a seasoned player with a solid track record. It’s perplexing to see these reports when the official list has not even been released from the NFF.

Moreover, the insinuation that NFF officials are involved in nepotism is a severe blow to their integrity. The NFF has consistently demonstrated a commitment to merit-based selection, and Coach Randy Waldrum’s expertise and discretion in choosing his squad should be trusted.

It’s disheartening that the author of the article and the media house chose to prioritize clickbait headlines over factual reporting. This perpetuates harmful speculation and misinformation, which is unjust to the NFF.

The Super Falcons’ Olympic preparations should not be overshadowed by baseless claims.

I sincerly appeal to us as football – loving Nigerians, to direct our energy towards supporting our team and celebrating their accomplishments, rather than spreading unfounded rumors and negativity.

Viva Super Falcons!